By: Admin | Last Updated: 03 Jul, 2018
Job interviews can be the most stressful part of the application process. But with a few key preparation strategies, anyone can shine in the hot seat.
Analyzing the job is most important part of interview preparation. Review the job description, consider what the company is seeking in a candidate.
Make a list of the skills, knowledge, and professional and personal qualities that are required by the employer and are critical for success in the job.
Match your skills, qualities, certifications, experiences, professional qualifications, abilities, computer skills, and knowledge bases with the the requirements of the job.
Google the company you’re interviewing with and read some of the articles that pop up; study the company’s website; know the company’s mission, its products and services, its locations, and who their top executives are.
Before every interview, ask yourself: “Why am I a good fit for this job?” Take the time to prepare first for all expected interview questions as per requirement of Jobs .”You can never underestimate the importance of preparation. It’s the first step and the most important,”
When preparing for an interview and anticipating likely questions, plan to answer all questions positively. “Even if you were in a bad situation, think about how you can talk about the situation positively,”
Never say anything negative about your prior employers or bosses, either–no matter how bad the situation may have been. “A negative answer actually is a reflection about your judgment and business acumen, and not about the employer or manager.”
Feeling comfortable and relaxed positively influences your confidence. “And interviewers always appreciate a relaxed and confident candidate, as opposed to a heavy promoter and edgy one,”. Practice calming your nerves, and focus on how you can prove you’d be a valuable asset to the company.
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